
What is CloudFormation?

CloudFormation is a service that simplifies the management of cloud resources and automates deployment and O&S. You can create a stack template to configure cloud resources and their dependencies. This way, resources can be automatically configured and deployed in batches. CloudFormation provides easy management of the lifecycle of cloud resources and integrates automatic O&S into API and SDK.

Figure 1. CloudFormation


  • You can create a stack template or modify an existing one to define what cloud resources you need, the dependency between the resources, and the resource configurations. Then CloudFormation automatically uses the orchestration engine to create and configure the resources.
  • You can use sample templates and a designer provided by the Cloud to create stack templates. This greatly promotes efficiency.
  • You can update a stack template as needed. Then you can use the updated template to adjust your resource stacks to accommodate the dynamic changes of your business needs.
  • If you no longer need a resource stack, you can delete the stack with one click. This deletes all resources in the stack.
  • You can use an existing stack template to quickly duplicate all stack resources and their configuration settings.
  • You can flexibly combine cloud services based on different scenarios to meet the needs of automatic maintenance.

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